Welcome from our Headteacher
It is my great pleasure to welcome you to the online home of Hazelmere Infant School and Nursery.

Our core values underpin everything that we do at the school

Our children, your children, only have one chance in school. We have an excellent team of teachers, nursery nurses and support staff who are committed to providing the children with the best possible start.
Whether starting in our Nursery, joining the school full-time in Reception or at another point in the year we will work with you, in partnership, to ensure that your child has every opportunity to reach their potential.
We believe that all children learn best in a safe, secure environment where they are happy to explore and learn together. Our website can only give you a flavour of what makes Hazelmere Infant School and Nursery a very special place. The best way is to get in touch with us and come and see our amazing children in action.
I look forward to meeting you.
Steven Turnbull